How to Handle a Whining Puppy

Raising a puppy includes teaching him good habits for him to be a valued member of his human family. Puppies usually form bad habits that need to be corrected to make him live harmoniously not only with his owner but also with the community.  Barking and whining are normal dog behaviors but these behaviors can be a problem if your puppy is continuously barking and whining day and night.  Whining is a bad habit that could be really so disturbing and dog owners should know how to  handle a whining puppy Here are some tips.

Check for obvious reasons why your puppy is howling or whining. He might want to do something but restricted to do so because he is confined in his crate and he feels he need to howl or whine to get your attention. Does he need to go to his toilet area and do his business? Is the water and food dish empty? Is his favorite toy unreachable? Or is he sick? To handle a whining puppy, you should look for obvious reasons why your puppy is whining for you to address the problem immediately and stop your puppy from whining.

Aside from the obvious reasons why puppies whine, there are also deep psychological and emotional reasons why dogs whine and loneliness is one of them.  Dogs or puppies that are confined for long periods of time may become lonely.  They need an outlet for the isolation or loneliness and in most cases they find barking or whining a good outlet. A good way to handle a whining puppy due to loneliness or boredom is a good exercise and daily walk with your dog. Dogs are social animals so they need to interact with people and other dogs to avoid loneliness and boredom.  A well exercised puppy is a happy dog and tends to forget to whine. He will be content to sleep when he gets home after a fun exercise and socializing with other people and dogs than whine.

The best way to handle a whining puppy is to engage him in obedience training. This kind of activity stimulates his mind and makes him busy, so busy that he will forget about whining.  There are many dog commands that you can teach your puppy to be more obedient.  One important command that you can teach your dog is the “quiet” command. This command can be very helpful if you want to handle a whining puppy.

As mentioned earlier, barking, howling and whining are natural dog behaviors as birds sing and cats meow but as long as the whining is tolerable and acceptable, there is no problem with the behavior. You should teach your puppy that whining is acceptable until you command “quiet” and by that time he needs to stop whining. Your puppy must learn this rule for him to know that his whining is no longer funny and the behavior is becoming a nuisance.

Having a puppy at home is a great joy but it also includes great responsibilities. Your puppy’s behavior is a reflection of you as a pet owner.  Your puppy could humiliate you if his bad habits are not corrected. Learn more on how to raise an obedient and happy dog, visit Secrets to Dog Training 

Teaching Proper Dog Behavior- What Pet Owners Should Know

Dogs are originally wild animals but humans learned to domesticate them so dogs usually live now with their owners and their families.  Although they are domesticated now, dogs still have their wild behaviors because it is their nature so they need to be trained properly to live harmoniously with their owners and the community. Teaching proper dog behavior is necessary to raise an obedient and well behaved dog.

When dogs are well behaved and interacting properly with their owners and their families, aggression with humans or other dogs and damaging personal properties of their owners can be prevented. It is a joy to live with an obedient dog and the community love a dog that is not a threat to the community. Dogs are good companions and most people want to have them as their loving pet but raising an obedient and loving dog is not easy and it needs some work.

Teaching proper dog behavior needs some authority. First you must know that dogs are pack animals and they should regard you as the leader of the pack that they need to follow. It is important to earn the respect of your dog for him to follow your commands without hesitations. Dogs can sense if your actions are confusing and if you are uncomfortable in being the leader and once he sense this, he will take over the position and be the leader of the pack. You must be firm and have the authority with your commands to let him know that he is a subordinate and not equal with you. It should be clear to him that you give the orders and make the rules. In teaching proper dog behavior and not letting your dog get away with disobeying your commands, you will be able to gain the position as a leader of the pack that he needs to follow.

Teaching proper dog behavior needs some understanding. In dealing with bad behaviors of your dog, it is important to understand the reason behind the bad behaviors. There are unwanted dog behaviors that are a result of illnesses, stress, separation anxiety, boredom and fear. You have to look at the factors that contribute to those bad behaviors to know how to deal with those unwanted behaviors. For instance, a dog may exhibit excessive barking problem due to fear or anxiety. Knowing the reasons behind his behavior will help you more to address the problem.

Teaching proper dog behavior needs some patience. Although dogs are intelligent creatures, they are still animals and do not have the intelligence humans have. You need to be patient with your canine friend when teaching them the proper behavior. Your dog needs time and practice to learn good habits and behavior.
With proper trainings, dogs can develop good habits and proper behavior. As dog owners it is our responsibility to give time and efforts to raise an obedient dog. Discover a comprehensive dog training techniques and raise an obedient dog, visit Secrets to Dog Training 

Dealing with Fear Biting in Dogs- What You Need to Know

Some people view dogs that bite as aggressive without realizing that dogs themselves can get afraid and they can bite out of panic.  Fear biting in dogs occurs when they feel panic and the only way for them to express this fear or panic is to bite. Not all dogs that bites are aggressive, they are just scared.

Biting is a defense behavior of most fearful dogs. Things that make a dog fearful are loud noises, strangers trying to confront or approach them, cars or anything that they are not familiar with. Dogs cannot speak and they cannot tell you to stay away when they feel scared and want to be alone. People sometimes push dogs to the edge by approaching them or getting closer thinking they can comfort them and make them feel that there is nothing to be afraid of and so in most cases they become the victim and get bitten.

Fear biting in dogs does not happen without a warning but in most cases humans tend to overlook or ignore the warnings.  When dogs are faced with unfamiliar people, things and scenarios, there are usually warning signs that they are scared or in panic. Some obvious signs are dogs fold their tail between their legs when they are afraid, the ears are flat or down against the head and they also avoid eye contact. Dogs may also urinate, defecate or run to hide due to extreme panic or fear.

There are a number of reasons why dogs become fear biters. Age is one factor because fear biting usually occurs when they are on their formative years, usually on their 8th weeks and may occur again when they are on their 14th weeks. Dogs that are shy and rarely socialize tend to be more fearful of unfamiliar things, people and scenarios so fear biting in dogs may also occur on shy dogs. History of abuse or trauma can also cause fear biting in dogs

How to deal with fear biting in dogs? It is important to know that there are no trainings that can teach a scared dog not to bite because biting is dog’s natural defense and instinct when they get scared and you have to be realistic that fear biting in dogs may stay with them until the rest of their lives. What you can do is to help your dog to reduce or overcome his anxiety. Know what triggers their fears and know how to desensitize them to lessen or avoid the occurrence of fear biting in dogs.

It can be very helpful to boost his confidence for him to be less anxious. This is where obedience training can come in because it is a good medium for your dog to build up his confidence. Your dog can learn to modify his behavior, learn new commands and gets rewarded which in turn will boost his confidence. The more confident he is the less anxious he becomes.

Slowly exposing or making him familiar to his feared objects or situations is one way to desensitize your dog and make him less anxious. Remember to be patient, do this in his own pace and do not push him over the edge that could result to panic and fear.  Do not rush your dog because even dogs need time to confront their fears. You may need professional assistance if you cannot do all of these things on your own.  Know more about dog behavior trainings visit Secrets to Dog Training