Discover How to Stop the Digging Behavior of Dogs

It is normal for dogs to dig but if it becomes a habit, it can be really disturbing and annoying. Digging behavior of dogs must be stopped to prevent further damage. This behavior can destroy your garden in the backyard and can also annoy your neighbors.  To avoid stress in dealing with your dog’s digging habit; you must find a way to stop it.

There are a number of reasons why dogs dig and to stop the digging behavior of dogs, you must understand why they are doing this behavior. Boredom, seeking entertainment, seeking attention and seeking escape are some of the reasons why dog’s dig. Although relocating your dog to a place where digging is not possible may work, it is still best to address the reasons why your dog is digging.

You can tell if your dog is digging to seek your attention when your loving animal digs each time you are around him. If the digging becomes a habit as a way to get your attention, it best to ignore him to let him know that this habit is bad and he will not get anything from it. Even punishment is a form of attention so avoid giving him the attention he wants to get using his digging behavior. But of course you have to understand that your dog needs attention and you have to prevent him to resort to bad habits like digging just to get your attention. Spend more time with your dog, besides you already made a decision to keep a dog so you must make time for him. Walk with your dog regularly to give him more time to bond with you. Walking with your dog will not only strengthen your relationship with your lovely pet but it is also good for you and your dog’s health.

Dogs may also resort to digging if they are bored and seeking entertainment. Dogs may develop the bad habit of digging when they are constantly left alone in the backyard without the opportunity to interact or play with their owners or other dogs. Your dog may find digging as a fun activity to entertain him while alone in the backyard especially if your dog is an active type of dog who needs physical activity to be happy. To address the digging behavior of dogs, you need to provide your dog with play toys, playmate or give your time to play and interact with your dog. During regular walks you can play with your dog. You can teach your dog to play with balls or Frisbee.  You can also practice him with basic dog commands and tricks.  
When your dog is alone in the backyard, provide him with interesting toys to make him busy.

Another reason for the digging behavior of dogs is because they are seeking escape.  If your dog is digging along or under the fence line then he is seeking escape. There are a number of reasons why dogs want to escape and go somewhere. Whatever his reason for wanting to escape, the first thing that you should do is prevent your dog from escaping and roaming outside because this can be dangerous not only for your dog but also for other people and animals.  Put chicken wire or cement garden dividers a few inches below the surface of the fence to make digging behavior of dogs uncomfortable.  Of course this will not stop the digging behavior but will only prevent him to escape.  To correct this behavior you must understand why your dog wants to escape and go somewhere. Some dogs want to escape or go somewhere because they want to join the pack of dogs in the neighborhood.  Another reason is he is trying to get away from something like boredom and want interaction with people and other dogs. One way to make your dog forget about his digging behavior is to give him a chance to socialize with people and other dogs. Let him experience a new environment. Bring him to the park where dogs are allowed and introduce him to people and other dogs. Being in a different territory and learning to socialize is a stimulating activity that will help him forget about his digging behavior.

If your dog is a habitual digger, it may take time for him to unlearn this behavior, so be patient and do not resort to violence or hurting your dog. Teaching your dog is not an overnight thing. It requires time and patience. If he keeps digging, the best thing you can do is seek professional help for the proper dog obedience training. While seeking help, you can temporarily provide a digging spot and keep him away from the non-digging spot. Make the non-digging spot uncomfortable for him by putting rocks or chicken wire a few inches below the surface.  But of course the best way to get rid of the digging behavior of dogs is to effectively train him to be obedient. Learn more about dog obedience training visit Secrets to Dog Training