How to Train an Uncontrollable Dog – Learn to Control Aggressive Dogs

To learn to control aggressive dogs you must understand that almost all dogs undergo an “uncontrollable” phase, especially when they are newly separated from their mothers, family or somewhere familiar to them. Being uncontrollable or rowdy is their way of showing you that they are angry for being taken away from the familiar, or they are frightened of you or the new surroundings.

However, some dogs also appear uncontrollable because they want you to take notice of them. Puppies that are often left alone get bored or lonely, so they do things that will surely get them noticed; no matter if it is something that will irritate their owners they will demonstrate their aggressiveness, so you must learn to control aggressive dogs.

The first thing you need to do, if you want to train your uncontrollable dog or control aggressive dogs, is to determine the reason behind such a behavior. Once you have realized what causes your beloved canine’s uncontrollable behavior, you can now start to remedy it. And eventually, you will learn to control aggressive dogs and you can start to train your beloved pet to follow you.

By the way, if your dog suddenly became uncontrollable for no apparent reason, you might want to bring him to a veterinary clinic. Some symptoms of dangerous or grave diseases in dogs include erratic behavior. Your canine companion’s sudden unpredictable actions might be caused by pain, discomfort or some parasites inside his body, heart or brain. Your concern is not just to control aggressive dogs but also to find out if there is something wrong with the dogs’ health.

Here are some training tips you can use to control aggressive dogs:

To control aggressive dogs you must first catch your canine companion’s attention. How will you ever be able to control aggressive dogs or start training your dog if it does not pay attention to you? No matter how much shouting and stomping you do, you won’t be able to coerce your dog to do what you want if in the first place, it does not notice you.

You can secure a pup’s attention by talking to it, gently stroking its back or nape, or simple by offering it a treat. Like most children, a treat will surely catch an attention of even the most stubborn dog.

Another thing to remember to control aggressive dogs is don’t be stingy with praises and acknowledgment. Dogs, like people, want a pat on the back whenever they have done something great. Sometimes a simple praise is enough to motivate your beloved pet to follow your instructions or to do what you are asking it to perform. One of the ways dogs learn that they are doing something correctly is through praises and affirmations. Your dog likes to please you, so it will continue doing something habitually and repeatedly if it knows that you are happy with it.

Reprimand when needed to control aggressive dogs. If your dog does something that displeases you, do not leave it as it is. Be sure to tell your dog or make it feel that you did not like its action. Be stern, but do not hurt your dog. An abused dog has a tendency to be violent, so do not spank or hit your dog.
Use the words “No” or “Stop” in a strong and firm voice to make your dogs feel that what they have done is bad. Soon your dog will realize that certain actions and change in the tone of your voice are indications of displeasure.

And lastly, to help you control aggressive dogs, utilize training tools and supplies. For easy to train and obedient dogs, you only need a leash to help you train them. However, if your pooch is a bit difficult to control, you might need a special type of training collar. You can ask for such training collars from vet clinics and pet shops. However, ensure that the training collar you will use is of the right size. If your dog is uncomfortable, it will be quite hard to get your canine friend’s attention.

If you have tried everything and still you found no success to control aggressive dogs, don’t lose hope. Did you know that you can transform your dog’s behavior problems in the shortest possible time with positive results? Put an end to the stress and annoyance of your dog behavior problems and slash your dog obedience training in half by using techniques that give you immediate results visit Secrets to Successful Dog Training