Dog Potty Training – How to Potty Train a Dog

Dogs or puppies are the most adorable pet and their cuteness is irresistible. But when they start to urinate and poop improperly, you will probably freak out. Before your patience runs out, you must learn some tips and tricks on how to potty train a dog.

Why you need to know how to potty train a dog? Like a child, puppies need to be trained to poop and urinate properly. It will help you keep you house in order and you don’t have to clean up all the time when your beloved puppy starts to pee on your slippers, furniture and newly cleaned carpet.

Crate your dog. It is easier to potty train a dog if you can watch him closely during the potty training period. He may do something nasty if left alone, so it is best to crate him to closely monitor his actions.

Give proper dog food. To help you potty train a dog easily, you have to take into consideration the kind of dog food you prepare. Not all dog foods are good and dog foods have effects on your dog’s poop. The amount of food your dog eats determines the amount of poop he will eliminate. The more waste in his food the more waste your dog will going to eliminate. Ask your veterinarian about good quality dog food.

Scheduled eating and drinking. Create a fix schedule for feeding and drinking. Avoid treats before bed time. Water should be given in small amounts. If there is too much water available, dogs usually get the habit of drinking too much when bored or stressed which could lead to improper urinating. Setting a strict schedule for feeding and drinking is a big help to effectively potty train a dog.

After establishing a fixed schedule for feeding and drinking, it is now time to make a bathroom schedule to effectively potty train a dog. Dogs need to pee and poop 15-20 minutes after eating and drinking. Take him outside on scheduled time daily, in the morning when he wakes up, after his meals, after his naps and before bedtime. Take him to the same spot every time he needs to poop or pee, this will teach him to recognize the spot or place by smell when he needs to go back to pee or poop. If he fails to eliminate, bring him inside again to his crate and after 15 minutes take him outside again on the same spot to potty.

Teach him to recognize a word or phrase every time he needs to pee or poop. You can repeat the words “go outside and poop” to help him associate these words or phrase each time he needs to eliminate. This will teach your dog to go outside on his own when it’s time to poop or pee.

Praise him. Remember that your dog wants to please you and praising him each time he followed your instructions will send a message that you are pleased with his behavior. It is important to send a positive message to effectively potty train a dog.

It takes time to potty train a dog and you need patience. There are cases that dog owners are unsuccessful in training their own dog due to dog’s behavior problems and aggressiveness. In this case you need help from the experts for your dog’s obedience training. Transform you dog’s behavior problem with proven strategies and get immediate results visit Secrets to Successful Dog Training