Top 3 Tips to Eliminate the Unnecessary Barking of Your Dog

As a pet owner, you have to be responsible and make sure that your dog’s behavior is not disturbing other people. Although barking is a normal behavior of dogs to warn you of potential intruder or danger, the unnecessary barking of your dog can be a real annoyance to others.  Disturbing the peace of other people is a serious problem that could lead to civil and legal complaints. Learn to eliminate the unnecessary barking of your dog and save yourself from trouble and legal issues. The following tips can be very helpful to address the barking problem of your canine friend.

Identify the reason behind the excessive barking. This first step to eliminate the unnecessary barking of your dog is to identify the reasons why he is demonstrating this unfavorable behavior. Dogs do not just bark without any reason. Unlike humans, dogs cannot utter words to communicate so barking is one way for them to communicate with their owners. As a responsible owner, you should know why your dog is barking excessively. Dogs bark out of fear, loneliness, lack of social interaction and out of his desire to get your attention. Being the owner, you know your dog more than anyone so to address the barking problems of your dog, find out why he is behaving inappropriately. Remember that it is not good to hurt or kick your dog when he is demonstrating bad behavior because being violent could frighten your dog and could result to more aggressive behavior. To eliminate the unnecessary barking of your dog, find out the reason behind his bad behavior and address it properly.

Do not encourage excessive barking. It is easier to eliminate the unnecessary barking of your dog if you are not encouraging this bad habit. If your dog barks out of fear, you are encouraging this behavior if you will try to ease or calm him. He will get the message that every time he gets afraid, he will bark excessively and you will come to calm him.  If he wants something like food, toys or attention from you and using excessive barking as his method to get what he wants and you give in to his strategy, you are reinforcing this bad habit. Any positive reaction he gets from barking excessively will strengthen this bad behavior and you will end up having difficulty to control his bad behavior.  Ignoring him while making unnecessary noise is one method to give him the message that excessive barking will not work. Wait until he is quiet and give him his reward and he will eventually understand that he will not get a reward if he keeps barking.

Reward your dog when he is being quiet. As a pet owner, your dog is your loyal companion and of course he wants to please you. Let him know that you are pleased with his behavior. If your dog learned to stay quiet on situations that you taught him to be quiet, praise and reward him for being obedient. Although dogs are intelligent animals, the way he behaves is a reflection on how you treat and train him. If he receives rewards and praises for every good behavior, he will be more obedient and well-mannered.

Owning a pet is a serious responsibility and it is your obligation to train and raise an obedient pet. If you lack the knowledge, it will be hard for you to address the bad behavior of your dog. Eliminate the unnecessary barking of your dog and learn the secrets in raising an obedient dog visit Secrets to Dog Training

Discover How to Stop the Digging Behavior of Dogs

It is normal for dogs to dig but if it becomes a habit, it can be really disturbing and annoying. Digging behavior of dogs must be stopped to prevent further damage. This behavior can destroy your garden in the backyard and can also annoy your neighbors.  To avoid stress in dealing with your dog’s digging habit; you must find a way to stop it.

There are a number of reasons why dogs dig and to stop the digging behavior of dogs, you must understand why they are doing this behavior. Boredom, seeking entertainment, seeking attention and seeking escape are some of the reasons why dog’s dig. Although relocating your dog to a place where digging is not possible may work, it is still best to address the reasons why your dog is digging.

You can tell if your dog is digging to seek your attention when your loving animal digs each time you are around him. If the digging becomes a habit as a way to get your attention, it best to ignore him to let him know that this habit is bad and he will not get anything from it. Even punishment is a form of attention so avoid giving him the attention he wants to get using his digging behavior. But of course you have to understand that your dog needs attention and you have to prevent him to resort to bad habits like digging just to get your attention. Spend more time with your dog, besides you already made a decision to keep a dog so you must make time for him. Walk with your dog regularly to give him more time to bond with you. Walking with your dog will not only strengthen your relationship with your lovely pet but it is also good for you and your dog’s health.

Dogs may also resort to digging if they are bored and seeking entertainment. Dogs may develop the bad habit of digging when they are constantly left alone in the backyard without the opportunity to interact or play with their owners or other dogs. Your dog may find digging as a fun activity to entertain him while alone in the backyard especially if your dog is an active type of dog who needs physical activity to be happy. To address the digging behavior of dogs, you need to provide your dog with play toys, playmate or give your time to play and interact with your dog. During regular walks you can play with your dog. You can teach your dog to play with balls or Frisbee.  You can also practice him with basic dog commands and tricks.  
When your dog is alone in the backyard, provide him with interesting toys to make him busy.

Another reason for the digging behavior of dogs is because they are seeking escape.  If your dog is digging along or under the fence line then he is seeking escape. There are a number of reasons why dogs want to escape and go somewhere. Whatever his reason for wanting to escape, the first thing that you should do is prevent your dog from escaping and roaming outside because this can be dangerous not only for your dog but also for other people and animals.  Put chicken wire or cement garden dividers a few inches below the surface of the fence to make digging behavior of dogs uncomfortable.  Of course this will not stop the digging behavior but will only prevent him to escape.  To correct this behavior you must understand why your dog wants to escape and go somewhere. Some dogs want to escape or go somewhere because they want to join the pack of dogs in the neighborhood.  Another reason is he is trying to get away from something like boredom and want interaction with people and other dogs. One way to make your dog forget about his digging behavior is to give him a chance to socialize with people and other dogs. Let him experience a new environment. Bring him to the park where dogs are allowed and introduce him to people and other dogs. Being in a different territory and learning to socialize is a stimulating activity that will help him forget about his digging behavior.

If your dog is a habitual digger, it may take time for him to unlearn this behavior, so be patient and do not resort to violence or hurting your dog. Teaching your dog is not an overnight thing. It requires time and patience. If he keeps digging, the best thing you can do is seek professional help for the proper dog obedience training. While seeking help, you can temporarily provide a digging spot and keep him away from the non-digging spot. Make the non-digging spot uncomfortable for him by putting rocks or chicken wire a few inches below the surface.  But of course the best way to get rid of the digging behavior of dogs is to effectively train him to be obedient. Learn more about dog obedience training visit Secrets to Dog Training

Discover How to Control the Excessive Barking of Your Dog

Although dogs naturally bark, excessive barking is not a good habit. It may disturb your neighbors prompting them to file a noise complaint against you and your dog. This is a serious matter so it is best to know how to control the excessive barking of your dog to avoid unpleasant experiences.  The following tips can be very helpful.

Know the reason behind the whining and unnecessary barking. It is important to know the reason behind the excessive barking of your dog.  One reason why dogs bark is to get your attention. If you give him attention whenever he makes noise or whines or barks, you are sending an approval message that he needs to be noisy to get your attention. The best way to control the excessive barking of your dog is to ignore your dog when he is making unwanted noise just to get your attention.  Although it is hard for you to ignore your lovely pet, it is best to ignore him to let him know that you are not encouraging noise making as a way of getting your attention.  Isolation or separation anxiety can also lead to unnecessary barking and whining.  With proper behavior modification training your dog can learn how to cope with separation anxiety and will eventually stop the excessive barking or howling.

Walk your dog regularly. Barking is the normal reaction of dogs to unfamiliar people, territory, noise and things. Although this is a very useful behavior of dogs to protect his pack and territory, it can be really annoying when your dog is overreacting and barks on everyone and on just anything for no apparent reason.  To deal with this kind of problem, it is best to walk your dog regularly for him to learn how to socialize with people and other animals. He will eventually learn to be friendly and less aggressive.

Give your dog the message that his excessive barking is not a good behavior. One way to control the excessive barking of your dog is to tell him to be quiet and if he didn’t, squirt water on his body when he barks too much. Once he got the message and stopped barking, reward him. Be consistent with this method and this will give your dog the message that if he barks excessively without apparent reason he will get a different treatment.  Another way to control the excessive barking of your dog is with the use of empty soda can with coins or stones inside. Dogs do not like the sound or noise from shaking a soda can with coins because it distracts them and they cannot concentrate on what they are doing (like barking). So each time your dog barks excessively, tell him to be quiet and if he didn’t, shake the soda can with coins to make him stop barking, if he stopped, give him a reward.

Make your dog busy. Sometimes boredom leads to dog’s excessive barking behavior. One way to make your dog busy is to leave him with his favorite chew toys.  When your dog is too busy chewing toys, it will be difficult for your dog to bark and make unnecessary noise. Chewing toys is a good way to distract him from his unfavorable habits.

Of course the tips mentioned above are the common strategies to control the excessive barking of your dog but if you failed to make these strategies work for your dog, be patient because breaking a bad habit is not easy and it will not happen overnight. Seek help if you cannot do it alone. You can look for dog trainers who can help you modify your dog’s bad behavior.  To know more about dog’s obedience training visit Secrets to Dog Training

The Benefits of Walking With Your Dog

Walking is one of the easiest and best exercises to keep ones body and mind healthy. Of course one of the best ways to enjoy your daily walk is to do it with your loving pet. Enjoying the benefits of walking with your dog is not just fun for you but to your canine friend as well.

Parks are the common place to walk with your dog. Of course you should know ahead of time if your dog is allowed in the park to avoid hassles and breaking the law.  So do your homework before walking your dog in the park to make sure you and your dog will have fun.  There are many benefits of walking with your dog and here are some of them.

Walking is good for the health. Walking is good not only for your heart but also for your overall health. You can do it every morning before going to work or on weekends.  This physical activity is also good for your dog especially if your place is not big enough for your pet to move around.  One of the best benefits of walking with your dog is to keep you and your dog healthy.

A chance for you and your dog to socialize. If you are working all day, walking will give you the chance to socialize with neighbors and other pet lovers. We all need to socialize to relax especially if your work is too stressful.  Dogs are social animals and one of the benefits of walking with your dog is to allow your dog to socialize with people and other dogs. Like humans, dogs need social interactions to relieve stress and learn good behavior. This activity will help your dog to be friendly with people and other animals. If your dog is exposed to social situations, his social skills will greatly improve and he will be less afraid of people and less likely to engage in fights with other dogs.  The exposure in public places and the experiences in interacting with people and other dogs will teach your dog the proper behavior in greeting people visiting your home.

The best chance for you to train your dog.  Walking with your dog is the best chance to conduct obedience training with your dog. This is the best time to review your dog with the basic commands and good behaviors you taught him.  Being on a different territory while walking with your dog, the mental ability of your dog will be stimulated and improved with this kind of activity. All his senses are working while investigating the new territory and performing the tasks that you taught him therefore, increasing his mental ability and alertness.

Bonding time for you and your pet. Of course one of the greatest benefits of walking with your dog is you get to spend time and bond with your lovely and loyal friend.  Dogs want to spend time with their owners to feel loved. Although your pet is living with you, at home your attention is usually divided between household chores and your family. Walking your dog gives you and your loving pet the chance to bond and enjoy each other.

Of course aside from the benefits of walking with your dog, you have to be cautious when you are out with your dog in public places. Keep your dog on a leash when walking with you. Letting your dog roam freely in public places can be dangerous not only to people and other animals but to your dog as well. Continuously training your dog is important to teach him the proper behavior. Learn how to raise an obedient dog using the proper training visit Secrets to Dog Training

Break Your Dog’s Bad Habits – What You Need to Know

It can be really stressful if your dog has bad habits that constantly annoy you and the people around you. It is important not to ignore the unfavorable behaviors of your canine friend. It is not easy to break your dog’s bad habits but you have to start somewhere and teach your canine friend to behave.

There are a number of bad habits or behavior that dogs may develop like destructive chewing, digging, excessive barking and fighting with other dogs. It is best to train your dog to prevent these habits from forming or to unlearn these habits if your dog already acquired them. The following tips can be very helpful to break your dog’s bad habits.

Fighting with other dogs. It is normal for dogs to argue with each other but you must prevent your dog to get into serious fight with other dogs to avoid getting harmed and to prevent him from hurting other dogs. To break your dog’s bad habits of fighting with other dogs, you must expose him to social situations and teach your dog to socialize because this will develop the habit of playing with others rather that fight with them. Reward your dog with every good behavior for him to learn that he is doing the right behavior. Dogs can learn good manners in dealing with other dogs.

Destructive chewing. It is natural for dogs to chew, what is not natural is when the chewing becomes destructive. This behavior can be prevented or it can be unlearned with the proper management and teaching. The best thing to do is to keep him away from things that should not be chewed inside your house like your couch, slippers, clothes, etc. Confinement in a crate or a room with enough food, water to drink and chew toys is one way to break your dog’s bad habits of chewing things inside your house. He will learn that he is only supposed to chew the chew toys and not everything around your house.

Digging behavior. Another inappropriate behavior of dogs is digging. Leaving your dog alone in the backyard or outside your house can lead to inappropriate habits like digging. If you are away from home, it is best to keep him indoors to prevent this digging behavior from forming. Sometimes boredom is the reason for dogs to form bad habits like digging so it is important to accompany him in the backyard to teach him the proper behavior. Help him form good habits that will stick on him even when left alone in the backyard.

Excessive or unnecessary barking. Barking is one important characteristic that dogs have. Dogs naturally bark so it is not normal to stop them from barking and besides, barking is a very useful behavior of dogs. But dog owners can do something to deal with dogs who are barking excessively to avoid annoying the neighbors. It is best not to leave excessively barking dog in the backyard or near the street because he can see many things that can trigger his barking. Leave your dog in a room (with enough food and water of course) where the sound of his bark will be contained and where excessive barking will not be triggered. Leave chew toys too so that he can play with it and forget about barking too much.

Although dogs have the tendency to form bad habits easily, with proper training and guidance it is not that hard to break your dog’s bad habits. Learn more on how to house train your dog and raise an obedient dog. Visit Secrets to Dog Training

Home Training for Dogs: Dog Obedience Training to Solve Dogs Behavior Problems

Dog’s behavior could put you in great humiliation especially if your dog starts to annoy other people and other dogs. How your dog behaves is a reflection of your relationship with your dog. A home training for dogs can help you solve the behavior problems of your dog.

Although dogs are wild by nature and aggressiveness is their normal behavior, you still need to conduct a home training for dogs to teach dogs how to handle their natural behavior and behave properly in domestic environment. Dogs are intelligent creatures and they are capable of learning new behavior and habits.

Most behavior problems of dogs can be solved by proper home training for dogs. Dog obedience training is a commitment for the owner and the dog itself. You have to learn how to engage your dog to participate in a proper home training for dogs and you need a lot of patience during the training period.

To be successful in a home training for dogs, you have to equip yourself with the right training tools and techniques. Conducting a home training for dogs using ineffective and hard to follow techniques will only waste your time and may put your relationship with your dog at great risk. Your dog’s behavior can be transformed using existing effective techniques that will give you immediate results.

As a dog owner it is your responsibility to teach your dog to live in harmony with the people around him. In the end you will be rewarded with a good canine companion who listens to you wherever you go. You will be regarded as someone who takes great care of your dog.

Secrets to Dog Training is the easiest system for learning how to train your dog and change its behavior. Put an end to the stress and annoyance of your dog behavior problems and slash your dog obedience training time in half by using techniques that give you immediate results. Visit Secrets to Successful Dog Training

Discover the Best Obedience Training for Dogs

Do you have a disobedient dog that humiliates you in public? Or are you sick dealing with your dog’s biting, whining, barking and aggressiveness? If you are a pet owner, you probably can relate to these questions and eager to find the best obedience training for dogs to remedy your dog’s behavior problem.

There are pet owners who have tried the long process of learning how to change their dog’s behavior through trial and error. Although they eventually found success, there is a better way to change the behavior of your dog through the best obedience training for dogs that reduce dog’s training time in half by using techniques that will give you immediate results.

Dog’s behavior problem is a common problem and if you are one of the pet owners having this problem, do not be despaired there is an obedience training for dogs that can solve your problem. If you use this best obedience training for dogs you will definitely save time and money avoiding mistakes and ineffective training techniques that could destroy your relationship with your dog.

Secrets to Dog Training is the best obedience training for dogs designed to give you fast satisfying results. It will slash your dog training time in half using techniques that will definitely give you immediate results. It will provide you with a step by step instruction, the best dog training techniques and even offers an email consultation. It will teach you how to train your dog like a professional trainer.

Other obedience training for dogs are difficult to follow and don’t have enough photos. Secrets to Dog Training, the best obedience training for dogs will teach you the best and easiest dog obedience training methods and will not waste your time using techniques that don’t work. Thousands of people have used this obedience training for dogs with positive and fast results.

This obedience training for dogs will teach you the techniques on how to curb your dog’s aggressiveness, how to house train your dog, stop fighting with other dogs, stop unnecessary jumping and barking, stop your dog from eating his own poop, stop biting, nipping, mouthing problems and other embarrassing and annoying dog’s behavior problems.

Taking action is the first step in resolving your dog’s behavior problems. If you want a healthy well trained dog that listens to you, then this Secrets to Dog Training obedience training for dogs will definitely work for you. Some dog owners failed because they just give up and do not take action to train their dogs with proven techniques.

Transform you dog’s behavior problem with proven strategies that give you immediate results visit Secrets to Dog Training

Dog Potty Training – How to Potty Train a Dog

Dogs or puppies are the most adorable pet and their cuteness is irresistible. But when they start to urinate and poop improperly, you will probably freak out. Before your patience runs out, you must learn some tips and tricks on how to potty train a dog.

Why you need to know how to potty train a dog? Like a child, puppies need to be trained to poop and urinate properly. It will help you keep you house in order and you don’t have to clean up all the time when your beloved puppy starts to pee on your slippers, furniture and newly cleaned carpet.

Crate your dog. It is easier to potty train a dog if you can watch him closely during the potty training period. He may do something nasty if left alone, so it is best to crate him to closely monitor his actions.

Give proper dog food. To help you potty train a dog easily, you have to take into consideration the kind of dog food you prepare. Not all dog foods are good and dog foods have effects on your dog’s poop. The amount of food your dog eats determines the amount of poop he will eliminate. The more waste in his food the more waste your dog will going to eliminate. Ask your veterinarian about good quality dog food.

Scheduled eating and drinking. Create a fix schedule for feeding and drinking. Avoid treats before bed time. Water should be given in small amounts. If there is too much water available, dogs usually get the habit of drinking too much when bored or stressed which could lead to improper urinating. Setting a strict schedule for feeding and drinking is a big help to effectively potty train a dog.

After establishing a fixed schedule for feeding and drinking, it is now time to make a bathroom schedule to effectively potty train a dog. Dogs need to pee and poop 15-20 minutes after eating and drinking. Take him outside on scheduled time daily, in the morning when he wakes up, after his meals, after his naps and before bedtime. Take him to the same spot every time he needs to poop or pee, this will teach him to recognize the spot or place by smell when he needs to go back to pee or poop. If he fails to eliminate, bring him inside again to his crate and after 15 minutes take him outside again on the same spot to potty.

Teach him to recognize a word or phrase every time he needs to pee or poop. You can repeat the words “go outside and poop” to help him associate these words or phrase each time he needs to eliminate. This will teach your dog to go outside on his own when it’s time to poop or pee.

Praise him. Remember that your dog wants to please you and praising him each time he followed your instructions will send a message that you are pleased with his behavior. It is important to send a positive message to effectively potty train a dog.

It takes time to potty train a dog and you need patience. There are cases that dog owners are unsuccessful in training their own dog due to dog’s behavior problems and aggressiveness. In this case you need help from the experts for your dog’s obedience training. Transform you dog’s behavior problem with proven strategies and get immediate results visit Secrets to Successful Dog Training

How to Stop Dog Stool Eating Behavior

You’ve got the most wonderful canine as companion – a delightful puppy with charming eyes and pleasant disposition. Loyal and playful, this little creature would cheerfully welcome you whenever you arrive home. Your beloved dog fetches your slippers and excitedly runs around the house, waiting for you to start your regular game of catch. Simply put, your puppy is just about the perfect pet there is – well, almost. Because just when you thought that you’ve got the best canine in town, your little buddy has one little surprise for you. As it turns out, your pup has the unpleasant dog stool eating behavior.

Coprophagia, or dog stool eating, is natural to dogs. Puppies have the tendency to develop a habit for this, which is brought about by the gradual desire of their taste buds to consume something solid. To help you out with this problem, here are some tips in getting rid of the nasty dog stool eating behavior of your beloved pet:

1. Keep your place spic and span.
When you keep the environment of your puppies tidy, chances are, the probability for dog stool eating behavior is reduced. Always make sure that after eating, playing, and especially excreting, you clean up the area immediately. Keep a lid on the litter box to avoid any unsanitary odor and the temptation for dog stool eating behavior. By eliminating the opportunity for stool-eating, your puppy will eventually get rid of that habit.

2. Train your pet.
Training your pet is very vital in bringing a halt to coprophagia or dog stool eating behavior. You can get your canine buddy off this nasty habit by introducing the words BAD, NO, or other negative vocabularies. Whenever your dog starts stool eating, say “BAD” or “NO” and gradually, it will begin to associate these negative words with dog stool eating. Coupled with punishment, e.g. no desert, your pet will be conditioned to stop dog stool eating behavior.

3. Spend more time playing with your dog.
Keeping your pup busy can take its mind off dog stool eating behavior. Increase the quality time that you spend with your pet. Walk them in the morning and make time to play with them when you are at home. Treat these as your bonding moment with your pet. This way, you do not only reduce your pet’s tendency to engage in dog stool eating but also give you some time to relax.

4. Invest in toys.
So, you keep your pet busy while you are at home, but what happens when you are not around? The best thing to do in this kind of situation is to introduce your pet to a wide array of toys it can play with. This will keep your charming little canine entertained and hopefully, diverted from its dog stool eating habits.

5. Add Mono Sodium Glutamate (MSG) to your pet’s food.
Some dog owners who had similar problems with their pet add a dash of monosodium glutamate in the food of their dogs. This chemical gives an unpleasant taste so that your puppy will be revolted with the taste of their own stool. By constantly doing this, your pet will eventually learn to dislike the taste of stool, thus, ridding it off this disgusting habit.

6. If the dog stool eating persists, consult your veterinarian.
As your puppy grows older, the dog stool eating habit usually stops. However, there are certain cases where the pup would continue with this behavior. Consulting the experts is still the best way to help your pet do away with this offensive habit. Sometimes, the puppy might have a vitamin or mineral deficiency. Should this be the case, then the puppy should be put in a program that provides complete nutrition suitable for the canine’s age.

Just follow these tips and you will be on your way to stopping your canine buddy from dog stool eating. In no time, your puppy will no longer engage in this nasty, revolting habit.

If the above tips to stop dog stool eating behavior didn’t work, do not lose hope, it only means you need more effective techniques to transform your dog’s behavior. Did you know that you can put an end to the stress and annoyance of your dog’s behavior problems by using techniques that will give you immediate results? Discover dog obedience training secrets to stop your dog’s behavior problems visit Secrets to Successful dog Training

How to Stop Your Dog from Jumping

Hopping dogs, pleasing but most of the time annoying and you must find ways to stop your dog from jumping as early as possible. Dogs since time immemorial are considered as man’s best friend, how they have manifested emotions by being responsive is really extraordinary. Treating them much like humans are nothing but normal actions of dog owners, the way we caress, cuddle and pick them up makes them feel at ease and loved. Yet dogs will always be dogs, they would always rely on their owners to train them.

Every little action accumulates to an inadvertent training for our own dogs. So if they probably grew up playing with you chances are it might also jump on you most of the time. Jumping of dogs are actually signs of their excitement especially if someone comes into the door. This behavior can be dangerous and you must stop your dog from jumping as early as possible.

At first we can relate this as a sign of their affection, later on we would realize that what we mistakenly taught them an annoying behavior. Reinforcing that action would be one of the least options we would want to consider. Thus, it is important to stop your dog from jumping at once and not tolerate the behavior.

That kind of behavior shows that they want to catch someone’s attention or that they would want to socialize, yet reality would tell us that it is not always positive. Imagine a 95 lbs. dog jumping on an old woman with poor balance, the thought of her toppling over is seriously dangerous so you must stop your dog from jumping before it could hurt others.

If you start to stop your dog from jumping, eliminating this manner won’t only result to a dog becoming well disciplined, but the owner himself would acquire the same values as his pet. Exuberance of our pets is a good trait yet it isn’t always advisable especially if safety is at stake. There are actually several ways to help stop your dog from jumping, be well trained and liked by everyone else.
Overlook technique
To stop your dog from jumping, you may use the overlook technique. When your dog starts to show some signs of jumping on you, ignore it immediately. Such signs include the movement of its feet seemingly leaving the ground and when it paws at the hind of your legs. Thought it might be hard for you as an owner try your best to look away from it, continue this trend as until your dog turns to a more pleasant behavior such as sitting or just standing still. This technique is actually grounded from the theory that any type of attention when given an adverse reaction results to a probable turning back.

Clutching technique

Clutching technique is one way to stop your dog from jumping. As the owner and the trainer you should know when to make an appropriate correction to stop your dog from jumping and the only right time to do this is when your pet has already done the actual act of jumping. This technique focuses on the trainer not reinforcing the act by grabbing its paws at a height just keeping it on an upright and standing position. This might lead your dog to wriggle nevertheless hold it for quite some time while saying “no”. Dogs don’t like this position, therefore he would settle not to do the act again and this will stop your dog from jumping. That is only if you continuously do that act as your pet does his.

Sit Technique

This method is one of the simplest one to stop your dog from jumping, because it is much like teaching your dog a basic trick, and that is no less than to sit. Once you enter the door and your dog starts to jump on you immediately command it to sit. Doing this would teach your dog to sit if it decides to greet you.
As in any training, there is no single method that truly and effectively applies to all. Same applies here, these methods to stop your dog from jumping are only mere suggestions yet in the end it is up to you as an owner and trainer to decide which best fits you as a trainer and your dog.

If the above tips to stop your dog from jumping don’t work, do not lose hope, it only means you need more effective techniques to transform your dog’s behavior. Did you know that you can put an end to the stress and annoyance of your dog’s behavior problems by using techniques that will give you immediate results? Discover dog obedience training secrets to stop your dog’s behavior problems visit Secrets to Successful Dog Training

How to Stop Your Dog Digging Behavior

Is your prized garden now riddled with embarrassing holes? Has it become impossible—and expensive—to maintain your flowerbed? Is your yard starting to feel like an archeological dig site? If you answered yes to any of these questions, your dog digging behavior is already a problem. You need to learn how to put a stop to this once and for all.

To stop your dog digging behavior, you must first understand the reason behind this behavior. When you find out the root of his actions, you will be more effective in training him to stop it.
There are plenty of reasons for dog digging behavior. Some breeds, like terriers, are more prone to digging than others. For most dogs, however, it’s a fun exercise because it’s very stimulating, with all the smells, creatures, and treasures they may uncover. Bored and lonely dogs tend to dig for lack of anything to do, or out of separation anxiety.

Dogs are social beings. They also dig to escape, sometimes to look for human companionship, sometimes to be with other dogs. Dog digging behavior for escape can also mean that your dog wants to look for a mate. Dogs can also dig for shelter—if they are cold, they dig up a pit for warmth; if they are hot, they dig up the cool, moist earth to lie in.
Digging is also instinctive behavior left over from when dogs still lived in the wild. While they no longer hunt, sometimes dogs still feel the need to hide leftovers, like bones, for later consumption. Additionally, dog digging behavior is also a natural way for dogs to keep their nails trim.

Here are some tips for you to stop your dog digging behavior:

-Identify the circumstances that set off this behavior, and change it. If you find that he is digging to protect himself from the elements, for example, improve the shelter and other provisions, like water, you give him.

-Give him additional stimulus and activities to expend his pent-up energy to stop dog digging behavior. You can start with some nice doggie toys and longer daily walks. Take him to the dog park to mix with other dogs

-Give him quality time. If your dog digging behavior is due to loneliness, all he needs is a little extra attention. Pay extra care to his grooming. If you have to be away for long periods of time, give him plenty of things to do.

-Barricade specific areas to keep your dog out. Build a wire mesh fence around flowerbeds, or cover prohibited areas with bricks or small rocks. In time, he will learn these areas are off-limits.

-Deter him from off-limit areas. One good trick is to sprinkle some ground red pepper on the part of your garden you want to protect. You can squirt him with water or turn on the sprinklers when you catch him digging where he’s not supposed to. Likewise, you can also use any loud noise, like banging a coffee can to stop your dog digging behavior. Just make sure to do this when you actually catch him in the act. Be consistent.

- If your dog must dig, especially if you have a digging breed, you can designate an area for him to do so. You can give him a corner of your yard for this purpose. Or, you can build him his own sandbox. Dig it up and bury some doggie treats for him to uncover. Praise him when he digs there.

-To stop dog digging behavior, you may want to try commercial products that are available in pet stores. There’s also another tactic you might want to try: when you fill in the holes, add some of his feces into the filling. You may find it extreme, maybe, but you’ll see it will help you stop your dog digging behavior.

If the above tips to stop dog digging behavior don’t work, do not lose hope, it only means you need more effective techniques to transform your dog’s behavior. Did you know that you can put an end to the stress and annoyance of your dog’s behavior problems by using techniques that will give you immediate results?

Discover dog obedience training secrets to stop your dog’s behavior problems visit  Secrets to Successful Dog Training

Prevent Dogs from Biting – Make Your Dog All Bark but No Bite

Dogs are social animals, and a friendly dog in a stressful situation would never attack or bite. However, many cases of individuals bitten by dogs belie this. Thus, it is important to know how to prevent dogs from biting.
If you want to own a dog or already own one and you want to prevent dogs from biting anyone, there are two things you need to remember: first, you have to train your dog to be friendly; and second, you have to avoid putting him in stressful situations.

Dogs feel stressed by unfamiliar objects, people or places, or by unpredictable behavior. However, the degree of unfamiliarity and unpredictability is different from dog to dog. In a crowd, some dogs are friendly to strangers while others are not. What spells the difference between these dogs isn’t breed but how well they were raised. Thus, you can prevent dogs from biting if you properly train your dog.

How to prevent dogs from biting

Although there is no guarantee that your dog will never attack or bite anyone, these six tips will significantly reduce the risks of your dog attacking or biting someone:

1. Familiarity with people and environment will help you to prevent dogs from biting. Create positive and pleasant encounters for your dog with objects, people and places within the first 8 to 16 weeks of his life, especially with those he would likely encounter during his lifetime. To prevent dogs from biting introduce them immediately to various kinds of objects in your house and outside your house (e.g. your vacuum cleaner), to various kinds of people (e.g. the postman), and to various kinds of environments (e.g. your car). Introduce him also to grooming, to the vet, and to other animals, especially other dogs. Some dogs don’t think they’re dogs. You don’t want your dog to have an identity crisis, do you?

2. Familiarize dogs to being touched to prevent dogs from biting as early as possible but supervise dogs when they are with young children as much as possible. It is better your dog realizes early on that you and others mean no harm when you hold him since you can’t avoid touching him or him being touched by other people, especially when he has to be groomed or to be brought to the vet. However, how he is held is important to him. If he is held improperly, as most young children would hold him, he becomes terrified of being touched.

3. Another tip to prevent dogs from biting is to create a home for dogs where they can find peace, safety and security and teach others to respect it. Your dog would encounter at least several stressful situations in his lifetime and that’s all but normal in a dog’s life. However, if dogs has a haven to go home to, it will prevent dogs from biting, as they would more likely dash to their dog house rather than attack.

4. Tie your dog when walking him in public but not more than 8 hours in one place. Dogs tend to get temperamental and aggressive when tied since they experience barrier frustration. They are more likely to attack and bite when approached since it seems to them their territory is being intruded and, because they cannot flee, they fight the intruder. However, when walking your dog, he is better on than off a leash. Supervised dogs are less likely to attack and bite, and also you can keep a better eye on them with a leash and can prevent dogs from biting if they encounter a stressful situation.

5. Another way to prevent dogs from biting is to teach dogs with proper and productive behavior. Though it is highly recommended to enroll your dog, including your family, in a home obedience class, it is just as advisable to consistently reinforce correct and appropriate behavior. Your dog can’t tell the difference between rough-play and real-life situations so don’t show or teach him aggressive behavior, like chasing after or attacking others even for fun. If he exhibits aggressive behavior towards other people or animals, like growling when someone comes too close to his food bowl, seek professional help. It is important to stop dogs biting and aggressive behavior as early as possible.

It’s not all that difficult to prevent dogs from biting and raise them to be friendly, especially if you see dogs as another being that deserves love and attention as much as anyone else does, as much as you do. Most often than not, dogs that attack and bite are neglected dogs. So always remember that behind a good dog is a good pet owner.

If you really want to prevent dogs from biting anyone, you need a dog obedience training to help you transform you dog’s behavior problems at the shortest possible time. Did you know that you can put an end to the stress and annoyance of your dog’s behavior problems by using techniques that will give you immediate results? Discover dog obedience training secrets to stop your dog’s behavior problems visit Secrets to Successful Dog Training

Proper Dog Diet- How to Feed your Dog with Healthy Diet

Dogs are man’s best friends. For sure you really love your dog to the extent that you want to nourish it and make sure it is really healthy and taking proper dog diet. Initially, you might think that making your dog gain more weight can be an indication that the animal is healthy. But on the contrary, obesity in dogs is also not an indication of good health.

Different dogs have different dietary needs. The breed, the age and the overall body weight are the contributing factors that influence the dog’s dietary needs. Be reminded that in truth, there is no single proper dog diet that can be considered as ideal in general for every dog.

One proper dog diet program for one dog could be good and ideal for a dog, but definitely not for another. Thus, if you have two dogs, each has its own dietary need, which would be significantly different compared to the others.

Tips on choosing a proper dog diet

A proper dog diet is also a must among dogs. That is why you should always strive to feed your dog with healthy food. Take note that feeding a healthy diet to a dog is not just all about giving the animal nutritious food. There are so many things you should also consider.

Here are some suggested ways on how you could effectively feed your dog with a proper dog diet:
- Ask the veterinarian about a reputable and ideal dog food brand. Do not just jump into the bandwagon and choose a dog food that is widely patronized in the market. Your vet knows a lot about nutrition facts and proper dog diet.

- If the vet makes a shortlist of recommended dog food brands, make sure you select the one that is of high quality. Consider your dog’s size, weight, activity, age and level before choosing the proper dog diet.

- Balance the dog proper diet by including dry food on his daily meals. Moist canned dog food must also be included because such food would certainly help maintain cleanliness of the dog’s teeth.

-Take note of the protein ratio of the dog food you are feeding your pet. Protein is very essential to the dog’s body. Ideally, protein in dog food should consist of about 20% to 30% of each dog meal. That would make up for the recommended protein intake of the dog.

- Do not overfeed your dog. Doing so on a regular basis could make your pet obese. Just like in people, obesity in dogs could also lead to several medical conditions, like musculoskeletal problems and abnormal growth.

- Feed proper dog diet just about twice each day. There are some dog breeds that need to be fed just once everyday. Make the dog’s meal time regularized during specific and consistent times of the day. Make sure the feed is also in a very and exactly measured amount.

- Do not ever feed your dog with table scraps in or under the table and while you or other people are eating. This would make an impression in the dog that begging for food from people who are eating at the table is acceptable. If you must feed your dog with scraps, put the food in his dog bowl after people have finished eating at the table.

It would not be very hard feeding your dog with proper dog diet. But always make sure that there is genuine caring and love every time you feed your dog.

Did you know that a home-made proper dog diet increases dog lifespan by up to 134%? Discover the step-by-step guide that makes your dog live a longer, healthier life, so you enjoy up to 8.3 more yrs. of happiness and companionship with your dog visit Healthy Food for Dogs

Is Your Dog a Whiner? How to Control Dog Whining and Give Your Ears a Rest

So maybe your dog is the cutest, most adorable thing on four legs, but if he’s a whiner, cuteness can only get him (or her) so far. Before your patience runs out (and that of your neighbors’), you should learn how to control dog whining. But first, learn a few things about him.

Why does my dog whine? Before you could control dog whining behavior, you should know the reason why your dog whines. Whining and similar sounds like barking and howling are just some of the ways your dog knows to communicate how he feels. This often happens when he is left on his own. You’ll notice this behavior in puppies that get separated from their mothers or litter-mates. It’s a distress call meant to tell his pack members that he is scared, in pain, upset or needs something.

In your dog’s case, whining may be a way to communicate that he wants food, attention or affection. Whining may also be his way of saying that he doesn’t feel good, in which case you might want to check him right away. Whining is a good thing and if you love your dog, it’s your cue to make sure his needs are met and he’s happy and healthy to control dog whining.

Unfortunately, whining can also be a way for your dog to get what he wants when he wants it. In this case, it becomes an unconscious habit – a bad habit. It can be heartbreaking or annoying, depending on the situation and you might want to control dog whining immediately to prevent a bad habit from forming. Here’s how:

Read his ‘whining.’ If you just came back from work and he whines, that’s probably because your dog misses you and is glad to see you again. After a short while, he’ll stop whining since he knows you’re already home. If he’s whining and aiming for the door, it can mean he wants to be let out to relieve himself. If this is the case, to stop or control dog whining, make sure to let him out.

If your dog is whining and seems upset, something might not be right, either with him or with your environment. He could be sick, in which case you’ll have to check him or bring him to the vet. He might also be worried about other things within his vicinity. To control dog whining, make sure you check the house because something might be up.

When your dog wants your food. Your dog might be whining because he loves the smell of the juicy steak you’re eating and wants a piece. Stop this behavior from becoming a habit and train your dog to have his own place to eat, totally separate from your dinner table. If your dog is still a puppy, don’t feed him table scraps, especially when you’re eating at the table. He will associate your eating a meal with something good coming his way. Don’t encourage this.

When your dog whines for your attention. Most dogs like attention from you but there are times when you just can’t oblige. In moments when you can, playing with your dog for a while might put a stop or control dog whining. If it doesn’t, learn to ignore his bid for attention and withdraw from him. Usually, ignoring your dog will do the trick.

If he continues, however, tell him quietly but firmly to stop. Don’t touch or pet him when you’re reprimanding him and avoid massaging his neck or back. Giving him a massage means he’s doing a good job and will send mixed messages. If the whining continues, stand directly in his view and in a loud voice, firmly say, ‘No!’ You can also stop dog whining by firmly tapping his muzzle with your hand.

Dogs are wonderful creatures whose companionship is valuable. Don’t punish your dog to control dog whining, unless you know he’s misbehaving. Punishment will not solve his problem and will only aggravate the negative feelings he has. Learn to ‘read’ your dog’s behavior to control dog whining and impose discipline only when it’s appropriate.

If you still failed with all your efforts to understand and control dog whining don’t lose hope. Did you know that you can successfully control dog whining in the shortest possible time with positive results? Put an end to the stress and annoyance of your dog behavior problems and slash your dog obedience training in half by using techniques that give you immediate results visit Secrets to Successful Dog Training

Dog’s Behavior Problem – How to Stop Your Dog to Snap at Other Dogs

Dog behavior can be difficult to understand, especially for pet owners. Some dogs will chase each other all over the street, sniff each other’s bottoms, and then do a few nasty things that may or may not result in a litter of pups. Other dogs will growl at other dogs, bare their teeth, and then snap at other dogs. The latter behavior can be disconcerting to pet owners who are fond of walking their dogs, but who are afraid of alienating themselves from other pet owners who have less aggressive canines.

Dog breeders and owners describe this canine-canine war as dog aggression, which is technically a dog’s intent to do harm to another dog. Dog snap at other dogs is only one display of aggression, and it comes in the category of loud barking and growling at other dogs. Dogs show aggression not so much because they want to hurt another dog, but because they are defending themselves from potential harm. Such defense tactics are undertaken by dogs to gain a higher status over a potential rival, or simply because of built in instincts or traits that make them feel that they are dominant versus other dogs. Some dogs may also develop hormonal imbalance, prompting them to exercise dominance over other dogs by showing dog aggression.

Aggression is common, although some breeds such as bulls and terriers are more likely to display aggression as they age. If a dog starts off life as an abused or attacked pup, then he may be fearful of other dogs and thus exercise defense-based aggression or snap at other dogs. In particular, dogs can be aggressive toward dogs or objects that resemble anything that threatened or attacked them in the past. If your dog snap at other dogs, therefore, may simply be a sign that your dog is defending his or her territory, or is remembering something in his or her past.

If your dog continues to snap at other dogs, then you might want to take a look at the following tips to help you control your dog. If all else fails, take your dog to the vet or a canine behavior specialist for more information on how he or she can be made less aggressive or harmful.

- When dogs lack exercise, they can have a lot of pent up energy, and can actually be more emotionally and mentally unstable. Take your dog out often and make him or her exercise by jogging together, or by playing fetch in the park. This can allow your dog to use up all the energy that he or she has, giving him or her less time and resources to snap at other dogs.

- If you have a puppy, discipline him or her and start him or her on a disciplined life without abusing him or her. A well-disciplined dog is less likely to do harm, and certainly less likely to snap at other dogs.

- If you prefer a dog that is docile and quiet, then you might want to select a breed beforehand that is not prone to snap at other dogs or other forms of dog aggression. Choose toy dogs or retrievers if you have little time to undertake any disciplinary measures. If you are an experienced breeder or trainer, however, then go for terriers and bulls, but be sure to instill discipline early.

- Act as a dominant owner. If a dog senses that he or she is dominant in your house, or the seeming owner of it, then it can turn itself into the alpha dog and establish itself as the leader of your pack. It can then think that it has the license to snap at other dogs and display aggression.

- As much as possible, keep only one dog at home. The more dogs you have, the more defensive your dog will become, and the more likely he or she is to display aggressive behavior or snap at other dogs.

If you really want to stop your dog to snap at other dogs at the shortest possible time, you need a dog obedience training to help you transform you dog’s behavior problems. Did you know that you can put an end to the stress and annoyance of your dog’s behavior problems by using techniques that will give you immediate results? Discover dog obedience training secrets to stop your dog’s behavior problems visit Secrets to Successful Dog Training.

Discover How to Stop Dogs From Barking

Although dogs are domesticated now, by nature they are still wild and they exhibit behaviors that sometimes very annoying like excessive barking. Dog barks to communicate and get the attention of people and other animals but when it becomes excessive and uncontrollable, it’s a constant annoyance and hard to handle if you don’t know the right techniques to stop dogs from barking.

Before trying to stop dogs from barking, you must understand the reason why dogs bark. There are many reasons behind the excessive barking and some of these include loneliness, boredom, medical problems, fear or they just merely seeking attention from you.

Some dogs barks excessively because they want you to take notice of them. When they are left alone and get bored and lonely, they do things that will get your attention even if it irritates you and the neighbors.
If your dog suddenly exhibit bad behaviors like excessive barking for no apparent reason, your dog might need a medical attention. He must be in pain or there are other discomforts bothering him.

You need to determine the reasons for the excessive barking before trying to stop dogs from barking. If you are sure that there is no medical condition that you need to be concern then you might consider the following techniques to stop dogs from barking.

To stop dogs from barking, train your dog to listen to you when you say “stop barking” and be consistent. Sometimes dogs don’t know that excessive barking annoys people. If your dog barks to send alarms or signals to get your attention about something, let him know that you recognize his barks or signals and praise him for the alarm and then tell him to “stop barking”. Be consistent until he learns the habit that barking is just to communicate and he needs to stop when you told him so.

In his quiet time offer treats and continue praising him to let him know that being quiet when he needs to be quiet pleases you. Your dog likes to please you, so it will continue doing something habitually and repeatedly if it knows that you are happy with it.

If the barking continues while you are training him to stop barking, make sure to let him know that you did not like his behavior. Reprimand and punish him if needed to stop dogs from barking. But do not hurt your dog. Dogs have a tendency to be violent when abused.

Dogs are pack animals and don’t like to be alone, give enough time to your dog. Make him feel that he is part of the family. They also need to socialize with people and other animals. Take him for a walk daily or once a week to a dog park, this will stop dogs from barking if they feel loved and this will eliminate their boredom and fear.

If you have tried everything and found no success to stop dogs from barking, do not lose hope, it only means you need more effective techniques to transform your dog’s behavior. Did you know that you can put an end to the stress and annoyance of your dog’s behavior problems by using techniques that will give you immediate results? Discover dog obedience training secrets to stop your dog’s behavior problems visit Secrets to Successful Dog Training.

Dog Care: How to Choose Healthy Dog Food

Feeding your dog is not an easy thing to do, if you consider your dog as part of your family, you will take into consideration your dog’s health and choose healthy dog food to prolong your canine friend’s life.

Dog food must contain balance proportions of nutrients needed for growth and development. For your dog to remain healthy, choose healthy dog food with nutrients like protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, fats and minerals. Too much or too little nutrients will put your dog’s health in danger. Commercially available dog foods are usually processed with a lot of preservatives so you must know how to choose healthy dog food to keep your pooch in shape and in good health.

Protein is one of the most important nutrients that dog food must contain. Choose healthy dog food that contains enough protein that your dog need. A dog’s diet must contain about 40% protein. The amino acid in protein is essential for dog’s muscle development and regulation of antibodies. Some sources of protein are meat, fish and soy beans.

You also need to choose healthy dog food with carbohydrates. A 40-60% of carbohydrates are essential for your dog’s health. Carbohydrates also include starches and sugar that can be converted into usable energy. Too much carbohydrates is not healthy and will be stored as fat and may cause obesity and maldigestion and other health problems. Sources of carbohydrates are oats, sweet potatoes and yams.

Fat is also needed when you get to choose healthy dog food. Good sources of fat are vegetable oil, fish and meat. Omega-3 fatty acids are important for keeping a healthy skin and may help in the restoration of other health problems like inflammation and blood clotting.

Like humans, dogs need vitamins and minerals. Choose healthy dog food rich in vitamins and minerals which are essential in dog’s development and for fighting diseases. For instance, Vitamin A is important for proper vision and for bone and teeth development. Vitamin D is important for the absorption of calcium and Vitamin E has anti-oxidant properties to eliminate toxins in the dog’s body. Minerals like calcium and magnesium are good for teeth and bones strength as well as for the normal functioning of the heart.

Water is also essential for the digestion and transportation of nutrients; it also helps in the regulation of body temperature.

Knowing how to choose healthy dog food will not only prolong your pooch life, but it also gives you a peace of mind knowing your pooch as a member of your family is healthy and well protected against diseases brought by unhealthy dog foods.

Did you know that a well balanced home-made diet increases dog lifespan by up to 134%? Discover the step-by-step guide that makes your dog live a longer, healthier life, so you enjoy up to 8.3 more yrs. of happiness and companionship with your dog visit Healthy Food for Dogs

How to Stop Bad Dog Behavior

Dogs belong to the Canidae family which includes wolves, foxes and cayotes. Since dogs came from ancestors with wild behaviors, it is not surprising for dogs to demonstrate a wild or aggressive behavior. Although dogs are now domesticated, there are still tendencies for dogs to exhibit their natural behavior. Humans take this behavior as bad dog behavior and expecting their dogs to behave and live with them in peace and harmony.

Here are some guidelines you can follow to stop bad dog behavior:

Early separation from the mother. Dogs are pack animals and they don’t like to be alone. When puppies are taken away from their mothers early before behavior development, this will result to behavior problems. It is advisable that puppies stayed with their mother and other puppies for about 8-10 weeks old. He will learn his behavior under the care of the mother dog. If he tries to bite other puppies, for instance, the mother dog is there to growl as a warning that his biting and bad dog behavior is not acceptable. Puppies will learn to modify their behavior if they stay long enough with their mother and by the time you take them home they are already equipped to communicate properly. It will be easier for you to house train your puppy and stop dog bad behaviors.

Reprimand when needed to stop bad dog behavior. If your dog displays bad behavior, do not ignore it. Use punishment or be strict when your dog does something that displeases you, but do not hurt your dog. Just let him know or feel that you don’t agree with his bad dog behavior.

Don’t be afraid to show appreciation or acknowledge your dogs’ good behavior. Through praises and affirmations, dogs learn that they are doing the right thing that makes you happy. Remember that dogs like to please you and if he feels you are happy with his behavior he will keep doing it until it becomes a habit.

Train your dog. Dog obedience is not innate; you must put time and effort to train your dog to stop bad dog behavior. Lack of obedience training will result to bad dog behavior. You cannot communicate properly to your dog if he is not acquainted with the proper dog trainings.

Did you know that you can put an end to the stress and annoyance of your dog’s behavior problems by using techniques that will give you immediate results? Discover dog obedience training secrets to stop your dog’s behavior problems visit Secrets to Successful Dog Training

Dog Training Commands: How to Successfully Train Your Dog to Do Certain Commands

Although dogs are regarded as man’s best friend, the truth still exists that dog needs training to adapt to humans. Dog training commands is necessary for every dog owners to train their dogs to follow simple to complex commands.

Here are some tips to effectively render dog training commands:
Get your dog’s attention; you cannot render dog training commands effectively if you cannot catch your dogs’ attention. No matter how hard you tried if you cannot engage your dog’s attention it would be useless. A slight rubbing on its fur or nape will do the trick.

Get acquainted and know your dog. Dogs like humans have different learning curves. Observe your dog for a few days before starting dog training commands. This will give you hints on the habits that your dog has and how to take advantage of those habits to help you train your dog with ease.

Consistency. Learn how to be consistent with the dog training commands you are about to render. Tone of voice, body movements must be considered when giving dog training commands.

Acknowledge good behaviors. Use reinforcements to acknowledge good behavior. Affirmations and simple praises are enough encouragement for your dog to follow your instructions and to let your dog know that he is doing a good job.

Test your dog. After your dog performed a certain task consistently, use distractions to test if your dog will still follow your instructions.

Dog training commands is one way for you and your dog to communicate effectively. If you succeeded on training your dog, you will indeed win yourself a canine best friend that you and your family can enjoy.
In the event that you have not succeeded in providing an effective dog training commands due to dog behavior problems, do not lose hope because there are experts who can help you to effectively train your dog.

Did you know that you can successfully render dog training commands in the shortest possible time with positive results even if your dog has behavior problems? Put an end to the stress and annoyance of your dog behavior problems and slash your dog obedience training in half by using techniques that give you immediate results visit Secrets to Successful Dog Training

How to Successfully House Train Your Dog

No matter how much you love your dog, you would definitely go ballistic once you have seen that your favorite dress has been trampled on, your shoes peed on and your beautiful rug has muddy paw prints all over. In order to prevent such disasters from happening, you need to successfully house train your dog as early as possible. It would really be nice if at a young age, when your canine companion is just a pup, you would already be able to discipline and teach your pet proper pooch etiquette. Much like a child, a dog needs to be taught and disciplined before it can truly be part of your family.

Below are some basic tips that will help you effectively and successfully house train your dog:
Know your dog. Dogs, like people, have different personalities. You cannot expect your new dog to behave exactly the same as your previous puppy, despite numerous training hours. Dogs also need to be able to express themselves and let out their real nature.

To successfully house train your dog, you need to first determine the nature of your dog, its own personality quirks and traits. Observe your dog for a few days before you start the training. See the natural tendencies of your canine friend, particularly when it comes to pooping and urinating. Some dogs like to relieve themselves on dirt or grass, while others on sand or gravel.

If you know the natural tendencies of your dog, it’s easier to successfully house train your dog. For example, if your pup likes to urinate on concrete or hard floors, ensure that the designated poop and urinating area that you will assign is similar to its designated or preferred areas.

Allocate a small training area to successfully house train your dog. Another important factor that will help to successfully house train your dog is designating a small and specific area for training session. If you have a small dog, you can use a crate as a perfect training location. However, if your dog is big or is already an adult, you might want a bigger area, like a part of your garage, basement or bathroom to conduct training sessions.
It would be good to spend a lot of time with your pooch in the training area you have specified, this will help you to successfully house train your dog. At first, you will notice that your dog might start soiling and urinating in your training location. However, if you let your dog sleep, eat and play in that area, sooner or later it will stop soiling the place. Even dogs do not like to poop in their own sleeping and eating area.

Provide your beloved pooch a toilet area. After giving your dog a chance to determine or realize where its training or playing area is, you should now start introducing your pup to its toilet kingdom. To successfully house train your dog, it is best to accompany your dog to its poop and urinating space a few times so that it will be accustomed to the place. Dogs are usually good at developing habits; thus, if you teach them to do their “thing” on the designated areas, they will soon pick up the habit on their own. As mentioned earlier, remember the dog’s nature in choosing a perfect toilet area.

Regular meal times. Like people, dogs also follow a certain body clock. Therefore, if your feeding time is regular and consistent, you are helping reinforce the pooch’s house training. After a few days of regular feeding or meal time, you will realize that the dog’s poop and urinate periods are also consistent and regular. And you will feel proud for doing a good job to successfully house train your dog.

If you have tried everything and you’re still stuck with the same old disobedient dog, then you need help from the experts to successfully house train your dog. Did you know that you can learn powerful techniques to solve any dog behavior problem in the shortest possible time? Put an end to the stress and annoyance of your dog behavior problems and slash your dog obedience training in half by using techniques that give you immediate results visit Secrets to Successful Dog Training

How to Train an Uncontrollable Dog – Learn to Control Aggressive Dogs

To learn to control aggressive dogs you must understand that almost all dogs undergo an “uncontrollable” phase, especially when they are newly separated from their mothers, family or somewhere familiar to them. Being uncontrollable or rowdy is their way of showing you that they are angry for being taken away from the familiar, or they are frightened of you or the new surroundings.

However, some dogs also appear uncontrollable because they want you to take notice of them. Puppies that are often left alone get bored or lonely, so they do things that will surely get them noticed; no matter if it is something that will irritate their owners they will demonstrate their aggressiveness, so you must learn to control aggressive dogs.

The first thing you need to do, if you want to train your uncontrollable dog or control aggressive dogs, is to determine the reason behind such a behavior. Once you have realized what causes your beloved canine’s uncontrollable behavior, you can now start to remedy it. And eventually, you will learn to control aggressive dogs and you can start to train your beloved pet to follow you.

By the way, if your dog suddenly became uncontrollable for no apparent reason, you might want to bring him to a veterinary clinic. Some symptoms of dangerous or grave diseases in dogs include erratic behavior. Your canine companion’s sudden unpredictable actions might be caused by pain, discomfort or some parasites inside his body, heart or brain. Your concern is not just to control aggressive dogs but also to find out if there is something wrong with the dogs’ health.

Here are some training tips you can use to control aggressive dogs:

To control aggressive dogs you must first catch your canine companion’s attention. How will you ever be able to control aggressive dogs or start training your dog if it does not pay attention to you? No matter how much shouting and stomping you do, you won’t be able to coerce your dog to do what you want if in the first place, it does not notice you.

You can secure a pup’s attention by talking to it, gently stroking its back or nape, or simple by offering it a treat. Like most children, a treat will surely catch an attention of even the most stubborn dog.

Another thing to remember to control aggressive dogs is don’t be stingy with praises and acknowledgment. Dogs, like people, want a pat on the back whenever they have done something great. Sometimes a simple praise is enough to motivate your beloved pet to follow your instructions or to do what you are asking it to perform. One of the ways dogs learn that they are doing something correctly is through praises and affirmations. Your dog likes to please you, so it will continue doing something habitually and repeatedly if it knows that you are happy with it.

Reprimand when needed to control aggressive dogs. If your dog does something that displeases you, do not leave it as it is. Be sure to tell your dog or make it feel that you did not like its action. Be stern, but do not hurt your dog. An abused dog has a tendency to be violent, so do not spank or hit your dog.
Use the words “No” or “Stop” in a strong and firm voice to make your dogs feel that what they have done is bad. Soon your dog will realize that certain actions and change in the tone of your voice are indications of displeasure.

And lastly, to help you control aggressive dogs, utilize training tools and supplies. For easy to train and obedient dogs, you only need a leash to help you train them. However, if your pooch is a bit difficult to control, you might need a special type of training collar. You can ask for such training collars from vet clinics and pet shops. However, ensure that the training collar you will use is of the right size. If your dog is uncomfortable, it will be quite hard to get your canine friend’s attention.

If you have tried everything and still you found no success to control aggressive dogs, don’t lose hope. Did you know that you can transform your dog’s behavior problems in the shortest possible time with positive results? Put an end to the stress and annoyance of your dog behavior problems and slash your dog obedience training in half by using techniques that give you immediate results visit Secrets to Successful Dog Training

Dogs’ Aggression: How to Deal With Dogs’ Aggressive Behavior

Dogs are certainly among man’s best friends. However, in some circumstances, these animals also have the potential to be people’s and other animals’ worst enemy. As canines, dogs are equipped with sharp teeth and attacking techniques that make them dangerous when provoked and you have to deal with dogs' aggression.

Dogs occasionally attack people and other dogs or animals. You may wonder what makes dogs behave violently. In truth, dogs are peace-loving and do not easily turn aggressive, unless provoked. Because dogs’ mode of communications and concepts are different from man’s and from other animals’, there are some actions that maybe perceived by them as aggression or dogs’ aggression.
It is instinct of any living animal, people included, to protect itself when there is imminent danger. Remember that dogs just turn aggressive whenever they feel like they are threatened. And beware of dogs’ aggression, because dogs are truly destructive and rowdy when they get really angry.

Dogs’ aggressive behavior

There are several types of aggression that influence dogs. Such dog’s aggressions are different and nature and are acquired by the dogs during different situations. To be able to learn how to properly and effectively handle dogs’ aggression, it would be important if you would understand the nature of dogs’ aggression.
The first type of dogs’ aggression is dominance aggression. This type is exhibited when the dog feels like he is the dominant organism in the area. This is not common to dogs, but studies suggest that this type of aggressive behavior is relative to the particular breed of dogs. Of course, fighting dogs are more likely to feel dominant.

If the dogs feel that someone, or some other animal, is threatening this sense of dominance, he would likely stage an attack. Several of your actions, like raising hands, clapping or tapping its head, could be interpreted by the dog as breaching its dominance or trigger dogs’ aggression, so beware.

The other type of dogs’ aggression is protective in nature. If the dog feels like you would attack it, it would surely retaliate in defense. The same goes for fear-motivated dogs’ aggression. If there is fear, the dog would not think and act naturally, making it become jittery and become aggressive.

There is a territorial sense in the dog, so if someone or some other animal intrudes its territories, the dog would turn aggressive. Dogs’ aggression could also be redirected. If the animal becomes mad at someone, but could not possibly attack him, the dog could redirect his aggression into someone else.

Dealing with the dogs’ aggressive behavior

Now that you have a brief but concise background about the nature and possible causes of dogs’ aggression, you now understand what and how dogs could turn rowdy and dangerous. Make sure you try not to arouse feeling of threat or fear into the dog so it would not behave aggressively.

For sure, you now know some of your mannerisms and actions that could make your dog behave aggressively. Avoid doing those actions when the dog is around to prevent any possible attack or dogs’ aggression.

If you could not help the aggressive behavior, it would be better to seek professional help for dogs’ aggression so your dog could not harm anyone else. Prior to doing so, confine your dog inside a secluded place or a cage. Never let it loose free because it might suddenly attack or bite bystanders and other animals.

Do not punish the dog because doing so would only make the animal behave more aggressively. Because you are the smarter between the two of you, your dog and yourself, be more understanding and patient.

Do you want to know how to curb your dog’s aggressiveness? Put an end to the stress and annoyance of your dog behavior problems and slash your dog obedience training time in half by using techniques that give you immediate results. Stop your dog’s aggression visit Secrets to Successful Dog Training